Name: Saliho Touré
Hometown: "I am from Guinée, Conakry (my home and birth country), Lille, France and now Philadelphia"
Background: West African from Guinée Conakry
Major: SIS with a regional focus in Sub-Saharan Africa and a double major in Philosophy
Hobby: Learning languages
Black Identity
I am a West African from Guinée Conakry. I was born and partly raised in Africa so I am connected and grounded in my roots which is a big part of who I am as a person. Having deep connections with my "Africaness" empowers me as a black man because of the reach and diverse culture that the continent of Africa has.
Black Struggles
Some challenges include dealing with racism, stereotypes, and the constant worries that I will get discriminated against when applying for jobs because I am Black.
Black Pride
Being Black to me is a privilege of coming from a fantastic, diverse and divine culture and people. Being Black to me means excellence. I involve myself in the community, and try to uplift other Black youth like myself and show them that nothing is impossible. I look at all the greatest role models, Dr. King, Obama, Sekou Touré and they always influence me that as a Black man, there is no such thing as shoot for the sky or the stars, we shoot for infinity and beyond.